Well, I am not the kind of reporter to leave an accusation of that sort uninvestigated, so I decided to seek out this God character, even though I knew it would be dangerous. God isn't an easy character to get a hold of, so I discovered. Contrary to what a lot of people claim, he doesn't hang around in churches, synagogues, mosques or even temples. I finally sought out one of those 1-888-Ask-god-a-question numbers. And believe it or not, I got an answer (at $2.99 a minute, I would hope so). "So, God," I said, "the insurance boys are saying that you torched that statue in Ohio." A slightly gurgly voice replied, "Yeah? What of it? The damn thing was UGLY!" "But it was your son!" I shot back. "That bastard wasn't any son of mine," the voice on the other end of the line replied with a tone of disgusted contempt. "Well, then, who exactly are you? Allah? Vishnu? Yahweh? Zeus?" "You ask too many questions." The voice no longer sounded like it was coming from the other end of the phone, and I looked up from my cell phone to see a tentacle reaching down from the clouds... You bet I ran... and jumped on the nearest bus out of Ohio.
That guy is a jerk. He messed up my friends garden a few years ago back in Katrina, flooding it and shit. Someone ought to take care of this fool.