The impact of the UBWU strike is difficult to overestimate. A world-wide protest and demonstration was planned for this Wednesday, spearheaded by leaders from many of the user groups that were most affected; census workers, advertising executives, feminists, masculinists, people of color, people of palor, anarchists, queers, the differently-abled, policepersyns, vegans, leftists, rightists, anti-racists, anti-vegans, ditto-heads, Chomskyites, politicians, post-modern-post-structuralist-pro-situationist-academic-anti-state-communists, and Glenn Beck. Notably absent was the radical group American Students Studying Honorary Old Leftist Executive Strategies (ASSHOLES), who have not yet returned our calls.
Department managers for core UWL product groups were on the list of scheduled speakers, which was expected to attract crowds well into single digits. The manager for the Gender & Sexuality group, Ita Snatch, was pegged as the keynote speaker. There was much buzz surrounding the Q&A discussion panel, which included product managers Tim Robbins (Politics), Reverend Al Sharpton (Ethnicity), and Lierre Keith (Food).
The protest was called off immediately after the strike-ending agreement was announced. The 132 page statement of solidarity between UBWU and UWL was once again ratified, and the efficient process of constructing and labeling boxes was once again in place. "Knowing that there will be a sufficient supply of labeled boxes, into which individuals can once again be placed, is more than reward enough for the time and effort expended in reaching this set of agreements," said the UWL spokeshuman. "Labeled boxes are necessary for ourselves as well as others. This allows us all to get back to work, and continue our joint quest of realizing the Grand Unified Theory of Taxonomy."
I sure am glad that these strikes are over. For months, I didn't know who I was. Then a little over three weeks ago, I began to realize I was a German-American male, polyamorous, bisexual barrista from New York City. But I still couldn't figure out where my boundaries were, what role I should play in any given situation. Finally, with the settlement of the strike, I have my box again, and I am comfortably settled in, free from the worry of having to figure out what I really want to do in the moment. It is so comforting to have one's labeled box.